
Max Bauer is a creative entrepreneur, a third generation architect, interior designer and a real estate developer. In his work, regardless of its domain, he has one goal - to always strive for ingenious solutions in a constantly evolving market. Max’s projects proudly combine his core values - aesthetics, quality and social responsibility. That is why Bauer projects are timeless, bold, comfortable and made to last. His sustainable and innovative concepts reflect the needs and desires of modern cosmopolitan clientele in search for new, fresh solutions to their everyday necessities. It is Max’s vision to create buildings that compliment their surroundings, create an organic flow for the whole community and offer optimal quality of life in an urban environment. Let’s rethink the old norms and build a future we can’t wait to show our children!
Bauergroup | 55 rue de la vallée | 2661 Luxembourg | 2060 2009